Why - Lily Allen Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Why de Lily Allen

Why est une chanson de Lily Allen pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 14 mai 2009.

Les paroles de Why ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est fort probable qu'il y ait toujours des fautes. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Why est disponible ci-dessous.

Why aren't I one of these interesting people
Who's always got something to say?
To not be contrived and to feel so alive
And to never have wasted a day
To go for long walks and have well-informed talks
In an unconfrontational way
Why aren't I one of these interesting people
And why won't you stay?

I'm still having the same conversation
I've been having for years
I just want to read and retain information
Just face up to my fears
I look at myself and it's so plain to see
All I need is to change
Not too much, I still want to be me
Everyone looks the same

"Why" is my phone full of so many numbers
And why doesn't anyone call?
Maybe they think I'm always too busy
Or maybe I've no friends at all
When I'm watching tv they're all out necking Es
And well obviously I'm appalled
Why is my phone full of so many numbers
And why don't you call?

I'm still having the same conversation
I've been having for years
I just want to read and retain information
Just face up to my fears
I look at myself and it's so plain to see
All I need is to change
Not too much, I still want to be me
Everyone looks the same

I'm still having the same conversation
I've been having for years
I just want to read and retain information
Just face up to my fears
I look at myself and it's so plain to see
All I need is to change
Not too much, I still want to be me
Everyone looks the same

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