Fly With You - Far East Movement et Cassie Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Fly With You de Far East Movement, Cassie

Fly With You est une chanson de Far East Movement, Cassie pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en mai 2012.

Les paroles de Fly With You ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est probable qu'elles contiennent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Far East Movement, Cassie avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

I still believe in your eyes
I just don't care what you've done in your life
Baby, I'll always be here by your side
Don't leave me waiting too long, please come by
And I'll be fly with you
I'll be fly with you

Yo I'm flipping through this bizzies on the radio
Stop, something tells me you someone I never seen before
Let's go, I'm on your dial, I hit you with my style
What's you name and your sign, anything to make you mine
All night, turnt up, that's the way we live it up
Show me love, tip it off, that's the way we'll live it up
Dirty bass, make it boom, that's the way we'll live it up
Breaking dawn going hard with you I just can't get enough


I see the way that you're staring at me and not just my watch
If we ride a bucket, we'll be fly 'cause we hot
Me and my baby by my side,we on top
It's just me and my lady ride or die
We won't stop
All night, turnt up, that's the way we live it up
Show me love, tip it off, that's the way we'll live it up
Dirty bass, make it boom, that's the way we'll live it up
Breaking dawn going hard with you I just can't get enough


Let me see you go up, now down
Let's turn this party up
If you got that dirty bass
Girl let me see you bounce
Let me see you go up, now down
Let's turn this party up
If you got that dirty bass
Let me see you bounce

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