Past My Shades - B.o.B et Lupe Fiasco Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Past My Shades de B.o.B, Lupe Fiasco

Past My Shades est une chanson de l'album B.o.b Presents: The Adventures Of Bobby Ray de B.o.B, Lupe Fiasco sorti en 2010.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis mai 2012.

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Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de B.o.B, Lupe Fiasco avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

If you asked me what's on my mind you probably won't believe it
Cause if life was one big pool I'd be in the deep end
So I play my role and never ever speak it
Like a secret
And all the while you just just to figure me out

[Refrain] B.o.B
But you can't see past my shades
Past my shades
Past my shades
And you can't see past my shades
Past my shades
Past my shades
And you can't see past my shades
Past my shades
Past my shades

Well ask me a question I tell you no lies
Cause there's nothing to hide my souls in my eyes
And I'm ahead of my time but I cannot rewind
The only thing I fear is the mirror in my bathroom
People look and try to see a disguise
But there is nothing that nobody can't see in [...]
If it's a song with a rhyme or a verse with a line
Then you wanna stay in my mind


Lupe Fiasco
Uh, who else but [...]
You know I got two belts the black and the white one
I begin and I master
I see in my eye glasses
But they sayin' what I'm seeing through is false like Ross
I can hear him through the wall like walk
This way they tryin' to dissuade my thoughts
I'm a slave to myself and disobey my boss
It's all in disarray this parade I walk
They get amazed when they catch a chain I toss
Amidst [...] different ways I talk
And it hangs from your brain if my chain you caught
Like I cough without covering my mouth
I tip the scales like the King of the south
Forgot that I was fat I lost my way
But now I'm back looking for the shade I [...]
And not wonders, the sky summers
So don't make me take off my stunners
Bobby Ray you know you got my numbers
And them there can't see us like hunters


La la la la la
Oh yeah
La la la la la
You can't see past my shades
La la la la la
You can't see past my shades

(Merci -LilieK- pour les paroles)

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Les autres paroles de l'album B.o.b Presents: The Adventures Of Bobby Ray

Genre : Rap, Hip Hop international | Major : Warner | Label : Rebel Rock/Grand Hustle/Atlantic
Pochette de B.o.b Presents: The Adventures Of Bobby Ray
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