Go Home (T.H.E. Part. 2) - Will.I.Am et Mick Jagger et Wolfgang Gartner Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Go Home (T.H.E. Part. 2) de Will.I.Am, Mick Jagger, Wolfgang Gartner

Go Home (T.H.E. Part. 2) est une chanson de Will.I.Am, Mick Jagger, Wolfgang Gartner pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 19 janvier 2012.

Les paroles de Go Home (T.H.E. Part. 2) ont été relues et mises en page autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est probable que se dissimulent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à me prévenir par mail.

Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Will.I.Am, Mick Jagger, Wolfgang Gartner avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

You can go hard, or you can go home
You can go hard, or you can go home
You can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
Or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome

Check it out
My mama told me willie rock hard
Don't be no dummy, be a lil' smarter
Don't be like your daddy, finish what you started
Aha momma, i'mma rock hard, check it out
Fly willy I'll be a charter
I won't forget my place
Gonna rock harder
You know I kill it, kill it baby leave the slaughter
I will stand by, I promised momma
I'm a big baller, check it out

I'm hip-hop hard
Rock a boulevard
Willie's in charge
I don't need nobody now
I go on and on
On and on
On and on and on, on, on, on

You can go hard, or you can go home
You can go hard, or you can go home
You can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
Or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome
You can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
Or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome

Check it out
Hard like a rock and roll
A time bomb ticking - explode
Baby this is dynamo
Baby back now
It's 'bout to blow
Hard like geometry and trigonometry
This is crazy psychology
Yeah baby, I'm back in
Watch out now I'm going in

You can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
Or you can go home, or yo can go ho-o-ome
You can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
Or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome
You can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
Or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome
You can go hard, you can go ha-a-ard
Or you can go home, or you can go ho-o-ome

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Le clip vidéo de Go Home (T.H.E. Part. 2)
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Go Home (T.H.E. Part. 2)

Autres singles de Mick Jagger

  1. Hard

Autres singles de Wolfgang Gartner

  1. Anaconda
  2. We Own The Night
  3. Forever
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