Hey Jasmin - Flo Rida Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Hey Jasmin de Flo Rida

Hey Jasmin est une chanson de Flo Rida pour laquelle les paroles sont présentes depuis 2012.

Les paroles de Hey Jasmin ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Flo Rida avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Yeah Flo Rida... I run the world with this one
Yeah I run the world with this one

Shake what your mama gave... body technology
Girl I love the way... you flash it, hey Jasmin
Shake what your mama gave... body technology
Girl I love the way... you flash it, hey Jasmin

Keep watching you runnin the floor
How you work us out of control
Girl like your lip do that freakin it
It look just like you are roll oh
Are you work your child
Turn around and bumps ups and downs

Girl your body is so work of...
Hey Jasmin, I gotta see you right now
Turn it up girl you jump down... don't call it
Drop it low on the floor and rock your body
In this club what's up girl let's get naughty
Back it up, this low push it on me

Turn it up girl you jump up the party
Drop it low on the floor rock your body
In this club girl what's up girl let's get naughty
Back it up, this low put it on me

Hey girl I feed you one line... show me up sign
You're a wild one that's what I like
You can be screaming and I may be beat it
But we gonna still be on the... like Jasmin I come
Happen the asian let the persuasion
You be my baddest your ass is amazing
Dance em baby I just can't wait to see your body make it
Come on and shake it

Shake what your mama gave... body technology
Girl I love the way... you flash it, hey Jasmin
Shake what your mama gave... body technology
Girl I love the way... you flash it, hey Jasmin

Turn it up girl you jump up the party
Drop it low on the floor rock your body
In this club girl what's up girl let's get naughty
Back it up, this low put it on me

I love the way, I love the way,...
I love the way you flash it... (4x)

Nah nah nah nah nah now out...
Your hands up in the air... (4x)

Turn it up girl you jump up the party
Drop it low on the floor rock your body
In this club girl what's up girl let's get naughty
Back it up, this low put it on me

I love the way, I love the way,...
I love the way you flash it... (4x)

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
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