Louder - Flo Rida Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Louder de Flo Rida

Louder est une chanson de Flo Rida pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en novembre 2012.

Les paroles de Louder ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est probable qu'il y ait toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Louder est disponible ci-dessous.

Louder, louder
Louder, louder

You move with that style style, walls coming down
Girl how you feel with your draws on the grounds?
Screaming and cheering, waving the crowd
Tail gate party, oo turn around
Look look, that's what it was
We ain't never had this experimental drug
Boom boom boom til the speakers buzz
Ever wanna heap? I got your stuff
Fasten up, you like give me some more
Super sexy, miss leave it on the floor
Get perspective when you came in the door
If I'm wrong correct me, but of course then I'd

And I get you on the floor
I'mma make you scream for more
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)
I gotta feel you in my head
Go party down, turn it loud
Open up and make that sound
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)
Live it up, scream it loud, girl I wanna hear you shout
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)

So I'm just making you dance
All respecting me and my band
No discussion 'bout my percussion
I can beat it up in your pants
Girl turn it all the way up
I won't hold down, I never been hushed
Get me started, it's an eruption
Cause you moppin ever be shove
I gotta make you deal deal, ride to the bill
Hands in the air, good top player
Come out the shell to the hotel
Who you gon tell? well?

And I get you on the floor
I'mma make you scream for more
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)
I gotta feel you in my head
Go party down, turn it loud
Open up and make that sound
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)
Live it up, scream it loud, girl I wanna hear you shout
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)

It ain't loud enough in here
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)

Beat Break
(louder, louder)
(louder, louder)
(louder, louder)
(louder, louder)

Come here love, let's live it up
Come on baby, you ain't screamin' enough
Here we go, turn it up some more
We want it (louder, louder)

And I get you on the floor
I'mma make you scream for more
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)
I gotta feel you in my head
Go party down, turn it loud
Open up and make that sound
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)
Live it up, scream it loud, girl I wanna hear you shout
It ain't loud enough in here (louder, louder)

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
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