Tell Me When You Ready - Flo Rida et Future Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Tell Me When You Ready de Flo Rida, Future

Tell Me When You Ready est une chanson de Flo Rida, Future pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés le 05 mars 2013.

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Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Flo Rida, Future avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Flo rida, global, all across America

When we're here together
Gon' take it to the next level
Cared to late
Ain't gotta worry about a thing
You stayed, wowed, up and ready
Rocking all day
You tell me, Ain't gotta worry about a thing
Turn up!

Tell me when you ready
Tell me when you ready
Tell me when you ready
Tell me when you ready

24 never gon to sleep till the sunrise
Tell me when you ready
We can go all night all day
Baby make the whole day count
In the club all I see ...
Like birthday killers

Tell me when you ready

When we're here together
Gon' take it to the next level
Cared to late
Ain't gotta worry about a thing
You stayed, wowed, up and ready
Rocking all day
You tell me, Ain't gotta worry about a thing
Turn up!

Tell me when you ready
Tell me when you ready
Tell me when you ready
Tell me when you ready

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