Love Me - Katy Perry Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Love Me de Katy Perry

Love Me est une chanson figurant sur l'album Prism de Katy Perry sorti en 2013.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées en septembre 2013.

Les paroles de Love Me ont été corrigées, cependant, il est fort possible que se dissimulent toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

I lost myself in fear of losing you
I wish I didn't do, but I did!
I lost my own, my own identity
Forgot that you picked me for me!
But now, I don't negotiate with insecurities
They always seem to get the best of me
I found the head to love myself, the way I want you to

Love me!
No more second guessing
No, there's no more questioning
I'll be the one to find who I'm gonna be
No concealing feelings or changing seasonally
I'm gonna love myself the way I want you to love me!

Sometimes I wish my skin was a costume
That I could just unzip and strip.
But who I am is who I'm meant to be
And it's who you are in love, in love with
So now I don't negotiate with the insecurities
They gonna have to take a back seat
I know I have to love myself the way I want you to

Love me!
No more second guessing
No, there's no more questioning
I'll be the one to find who I'm gonna be
No concealing feelings or changing seasonally
I'm gonna love myself the way I want you to love me!

No more standing in my own way
(Let's get deeper, let's get closer!)
No more standing in my own way
(I want you to love me!)
No more standing in my own way
(Let's get deeper, let's get closer!)
No more standing in my own way
(I want you to love me!)

No more second guessing
No, there's no more questioning
I'll be the one to find who I'm gonna be
No concealing feelings or changing seasonally
I'm gonna love myself the way I want you to love me!
No more second guessing
No, there's no more questioning
I'll be the one to find who I'm gonna be
No concealing feelings or changing seasonally
I'm gonna love myself the way I want you to love me!

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Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Love Me

Les autres paroles de l'album Prism

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Universal | Label : Capitol Records, LLC
Pochette de Prism
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