Marry the Night - Glee Cast Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Marry the Night de Glee Cast

Marry the Night est une chanson de Glee Cast pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en novembre 2013.

Les paroles de Marry the Night ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable que se cachent toujours des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Le clip de Marry the Night est disponible ci-dessous.

I'm gonna marry the night
I won't give up on my life
I'm a warrior queen
Live passionately tonight

I'm gonna marry the dark
Gonna make love to the stark
I'm a soldier to my own emptiness
I am a winner

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night
Gonna marry the night

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm not gonna cry anymore
I'm gonna marry the night
Leave nothing on these streets to explore

Ma-ma-ma-marry the night

I'm gonna lace up my boots
Throw on some leather and cruise
Down the streets that I love
In my fishnet gloves
I'm a sinner

Then I'll go down to the bar
But I won't cry anymore
I hold my whiskey up high
Kiss the bartender twice
I'm a loser

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm not gonna cry anymore
I'm gonna marry the night
Leave nothing on these streets to explore

Ma-ma-ma-marry the night

Nothing's too cool
To take me from you
New York is not just a tan that you'll never lose
Love is the new
Denim or black
Skeleton guns
Are wedding bells in the attic
Get Ginger ready
Climb to El Camino front
Won't poke holes in the seats with with my heels
Cuz that's where we make love
Come on and run
Turn the car on and run

I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna burn a hole in the road
I'm gonna marry the night
Leave nothing on these streets to explode

Ma-ma-ma-marry the night

I'm gonna marry
I'm gonna marry
Come on, come on the night
The night

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
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