New Day - Alicia Keys Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de New Day de Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys vous propose d'écouter New Day, la chanson extraite de son album Girl on Fire.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées le samedi 30 juin 2012.

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Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Alicia Keys avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

AK, New day
AK, auu!

Party people say, Party people say
Ay, it's a new day, it's a new day
While they getting ready, everybody ready, yeah
For a new day, for a new day
Celebrate and say, ay, ay, ay, ay

It's alright to feel however you want to
There's no limitation no
Fill up your life, let me see your hands up one time
We celebrate mine, cause I ain't gonna get no more
So we can do this all night
One time, everybody say ay ay oh

There's a feeling that I got that I can't give up
Feeling in my heart that I can't get over
I know that it's coming like the sun come up
Tell me do you feel like say, everybody say

Party people say, Party people say
Ay, it's a new day, it's a new day
While they getting ready, everybody ready, yeah
For a new day, for a new day
Celebrate and say, ay, ay, ay, ay

Take a look in my eyes, can't you see I'm ready
Come along, let's get it, eh
If you wanna touch the sky, hands in the air one time
All night, no doubt it
I'mma live it loud like there's only one life
Have to live it up, one life, have to live it up

There's a feeling that I got that I can't give up
Feeling in my heart that I can't get over
I know that it's coming like the sun come up
Tell me do you feel like say, everybody say

Party people say, Party people say
Ay, it's a new day, it's a new day
While they getting ready, everybody ready, yeah
For a new day, for a new day
Celebrate and say, ay, ay, ay, ay

Eyes on the wall
It's now or never at all
I'm gonna give it my all
Whether I rise or fall
I'm gonna give it my all

Party people say, Party people say
Ay, it's a new day, it's a new day
While they getting ready, everybody ready, yeah
For a new day, for a new day
Celebrate and say...

Celebrate and say...

Celebrate and say...

Celebrate and say...

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
Le clip vidéo de New Day
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de New Day

Les autres paroles de l'album Girl on Fire

Genre : International | Major : Sony-BMG | Label : RCA
Pochette de Girl on Fire
Liens pour les lyrics de New Day
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