That's When I Knew - Alicia Keys Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de That's When I Knew de Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys vous propose les lyrics de That's When I Knew, le single extraite de son album Girl on Fire.
Les paroles figurent sur le site depuis 2012.

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Vous pouvez regarder le clip de Alicia Keys avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

Right there, in the middle of a conversation
Wasn't any special you said, it was just there
Right then, I didn't have to time to even over-think
I looked you, and all of the sudden, I was all in
Its like my knees are all weak and the butterflies
They were dancing taking all of my air
From that moment on it was very clear

That's When I Knew I fell in love
That's When I Knew you were the one
That's When I Knew you stole my heart my away from me
That's When I Knew that I was sunk
That was the moment that I knew I was in love
That's When I Knew
That's When I Knew
That's When I Knew

That day, I didn't know we were going where the night would end
I didn't know there was something brewing and if it was I didn't know how much I care
That touch, when you barely held hand I was overcome
With feelings I don't understand
Not in a million years I didn't think that we'd be here

Its like my knees are all weak and the butterflies
They were dancing taking all of my air
From that moment on it was very very very very clear

That's When I Knew I fell in love
That's When I Knew you were the one
That's When I Knew you stole my heart my away from me
That's When I Knew that I was sunk
That was the moment that I knew I was in love
That's When I Knew
That's When I Knew
That's When I Knew
Don't you know it eh
That's When I Knew
That's When I Knew
That's When I Knew baby

You know need to know
You know what you feel
And there's no denying, and nothing's for real
There's nothing to do, just what it is
Gotta surrender

That's When I Knew I fell in love
That's When I Knew you were the one
That's When I Knew you stole my heart my away from me
That's When I Knew that I was sunk
That was the moment that I knew I fell in love
That's When I Knew with that minute
That's When I Knew it was that beautiful
Sometimes you get it, sometimes you get it
That's When I Knew it baby
That's When I Knew
That's When I Knew we fell in love
(Merci Niky057 pour les paroles)

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Le clip vidéo de That's When I Knew
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Les autres paroles de l'album Girl on Fire

Genre : International | Major : Sony-BMG | Label : RCA
Pochette de Girl on Fire
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