Prom Queen - Lil Wayne Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Prom Queen de Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne vous propose Prom Queen, le single issue de son album Rebirth.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis 2009.

Les paroles de Prom Queen ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort probable que se dissimulent toujours des fautes. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Le clip de Prom Queen est disponible ci-dessous.

I love the fancy underwear
I sit behind her every year
Waitin’ for the chance to get
To tell her I’m the one she should be with ouw!
Shes popular with all the guys
So innocent in my eye
I could see her in my life
she would’ve had the perfect sweetman

But see she had other plans
I could not understand
Her and her stupid friends
Varsity’s biggest fans
Never forget the day
She laughed and walked away
And I couldn’t stop her
I guess she had it all

She had it all figured out
But she left me with a broken heart
F@#ked around and turned me down
Cause she didn’t think I could play the part
But now the prom queen, the prom queen
s crying sittin outside of my door
She never know how
How everything could turn around

They loved her fancy underwear
Every boyfriend every year
Shee tried to keep ‘em entertained
When they can hardly remember her name
She did everything she could just to
To make him love and treat her good
She found herself alone
askin herself where did she go wrong

She didn’t realize
She chased the type of guys
That don’t believe in ties
Tryin to apologize
Never forget the day
She laughed and walked away
And I couldn’t stop her
I guess she had it all

She had it all figured out
But she left me with a broken heart
F@#ked around and turned me down
Cause she didn’t think I could play the part
But now the prom queen, the prom queen
is crying sittin outside of my door
She never know how
How everything could turn around


She had it all figured out
But she left me with a broken heart
F@#ked around and turned me down
Cause she didn’t think I could play the part
But now the prom queen, the prom queen
is crying sittin outside of my door
She never know how
How everything could turn around

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Le clip vidéo de Prom Queen
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Les autres paroles de l'album Rebirth

Genre : Rap, Hip Hop international | Major : Universal | Label : Barclay
Pochette de Rebirth
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