Shoot Me Down - Lil Wayne Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Shoot Me Down de Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne vous propose d'écouter Shoot Me Down, la chanson extraite de son album Tha Carter III.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis le mercredi 22 août 2012.

Les paroles de Shoot Me Down ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est fort possible qu'elles contiennent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Lil Wayne
Open up your hearts people
Page one, chapter one, verse motherfucking one
Uh huh
I'm drinkin' hot tea bitch
Feel me

- Lil Wayne
Yeah, now if you let me, you won't regret me
Shit, if you let me, you won't forget me
Remember? and if you don't then ponder
Hold up, *pop pop*, there's a reminder
I ain't kinda hot, I'm sauna
I sweat money, and the bank is my shower
And that pistol is my towel, so stop sweatin' me coward
And I would die for ours, ride for hours, supply the flowers
This is history in the makin', now shut the fuck up and let me make it

[Refrain] D Smith
Please don't shoot me down, cus I'm flyin', I'm flyin', I'm higer-er-er
Please don't shoot me down, cus I'm flyin', I'm higher-er-eer

(I swear this tea is at a real good temperature right now, so am I)

- Lil Wayne
I spit Alcatraz bars I know
And D-boys is the only alphabet boys I know
Got a 380 on my waste, and Rambo back home
No more bandanna round my dome
Bandanna in my right pocket
Bitch I'm grown, fuck what you on
Now watch me stand on the world, as I sit in the throne
And if I jump I'mma fly, and look into the eagle's eye
And see I am looking like you, why?
Bitch see, it gets me how nothing gets me, or get to me
And if you shooting for the stars, then just shoot me
But your bullets don't reach mars, pause, claws
Because I'm a beast, I'm a dawg, I'll get cha
My picture should be in the dictionary, next to the definition of definition
Because repetition is the father of learnin' and son I know your barrel burnin' but...

[Refrain] D Smith
Please don't shoot me down, cus I'm flyin', I'm flyin', I'm higer-er-er
Please don't shoot me down, cus I'm flyin', I'm higher-er-eer

(Ay! talk to my daddy)

Lil Wayne
Poppa I did it to 'em, I'mma bastard
And I'mma do it again, like nigga backwards
These niggas backwards, but they behind us
Now watch me get high, like times up
Naw D bring the drums back, and watch me hit 'em where their lungs at, like that
I get respect, cus if I don't I'mma take it
I see your boys hatin' and I see your girls naked
Drums, sound like a naked gun, switch clips with my thumb
Then I pop another clip in, and aim at his vision
Cus Wayne is his vision, cus Wayne is the mission, I'm aimin' at a mirror...

[Refrain] D Smith & (Lil Wayne)
Please don't shoot me down, cus I'm flyin', I'm flyin',
(and I've done it before)
I'm higer-er-er
(please don't make me do it no more)
Please don't shoot me down,
(watch me soar)
Cus I'm higher,
(where the fuck is my guitar, now roar)
I'm higher-er-eer
Please don't shoot me down, cus I'm flyin', I'm flyin', I'm higher-er-er
(Merci Inconnue pour les paroles)

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Shoot Me Down

Les autres paroles de l'album Tha Carter III

Genre : Rap, Hip Hop international | Major : Universal | Label : Barclay
Pochette de Tha Carter III
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