So Hard To Breathe - B.o.B Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de So Hard To Breathe de B.o.B

So Hard To Breathe est une chanson de l'album Strange Clouds (piste numéro 3) de B.o.B sorti en 2012.
Les paroles figurent sur le site depuis le 18 avril 2012.

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Le clip vidéo de So Hard To Breathe est disponible ci-dessous.

Since day 1 I said fuck the fame and everything it dealt
But the fame is really here just to facilitate the wealth
But the wealth attracts you haters like you mosquitoes to a well
And the waters getting deeper so I'm well set out to sail
Someone called my cell and left a voicemail
That said congratulations on the million record sales
As I'm flipping over furniture knocking shit off the shelf
I told myself I'll never get too deep not to take a breathe
But I'm sinking

And it's so hard to breathe, yeah
And even more so to sleep when no-one cares
It was all I can eat
But now I'm sinking, so deep, I can't come up for air

Yeah I've seen the valley of the shadow of death
I've seen the mountains, the wild childhood
That's why I sing about it
I just try to move on and keep my peace about it
But come to think about it I can't even count the days that I've spent, starving tryna find some decent housing
That's why I'm always smiling but on this beat I seem so violent
So ask me 'bout the music scene and what the fuck I think about it
Time flies, I guess that's why I'm bugging
Just yesterday I was rapping with my brother and my cousin
If you had the stove or toaster on you couldn't use the oven
We knew that we were struggling, we just acted like we wasn't
It's either make it rapping, if not that than hustlin'
So all I see is magazine covers in this game
You either surface or you plummet
It's a thin line and I'm just tryna keep my head above it


Air, i-i-i
I sink away, cause I sink away
I sink away
I sink away, I sink away
Get carried away, get carried away


Damn, it's never in the plans, but hey it's a long way than beating pots and pans (x3)
But now I'm sinking, so deep, I can't come up for air, air

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Le clip vidéo de So Hard To Breathe
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Les autres paroles de l'album Strange Clouds

Genre : Rap, Hip Hop international | Major : Warner | Label : Rebel Rock/Grand Hustle/Atlantic
Pochette de Strange Clouds
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