Welcome To The Jungle - B.o.B Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Welcome To The Jungle de B.o.B

Welcome To The Jungle est une chanson de B.o.B pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2011.

Les paroles de Welcome To The Jungle ont été relues et mises en page autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à me contacter par mail.

Le clip de Welcome To The Jungle est disponible ci-dessous.

On the battlefield I am not commandeering
The war between the words, time to ... the cannons in
I am at his...
Try to smear nigger's image down,
Who's the camera man?
Where's the mainly man...
What a fuck?
Get up off the nipple, man
Let your momma have a mammogram,
Busting like Sammy Sam
Niggers can't even see me on the beta
Like a black.. standing a bad exam
But fuck a punch line, fuck a metaphor
Fuck the nigger who sat at the.. feeling me before!
Life is like a movie, I just write the score,
Let me .. down, maybe you can understand me more!
I got no time for this...., get up above my cock,
Put the mic down, you're looking sixty four!
I'm guessing I'm the niggers that they leant to hate
But they still watch a nigger, and they pay attention more!
Closer to my words, and closer you observe
Trying to decipher... you niggers know this shit is absurd!
You notice every verb and every adjective and every syllable,
And why compared to me there is nobody who's identical.
..general, gran hustle admirable
I'm bowling over here, give a fuck about your interviews.
Niggas talk... but they know I'm one of the coldest .. and general.
The more I ball the more the haters run
When you fuck the cane, the problems gonna come
Back down never, I'll never gonna run
Fuck life and get hot, that's what I call overcoming obstacles
Get upon my testicles, I got the sun to control
I call 'em ... I know what I gotta do
When you travel on this road, man after a while
Nobody's gonna eat besides of you!
Reaching out the other artist for a wider view
In reality artists just don't have the time for you
It is what it is, I don't take it personal
But it's a jungle out, lions don't eat vegetables.
I mean.. I'm all about my...
I don't smoke .. and I'm never on a...
I'm going full speed, but I don't know where I'm heading
So keep up my yard and never touch my...
I'm on the edge, you should never cross the line
Niggers feel safe when they're online...
I'm about to show what a hell is...
So let me do this for east side bitch ... on six!
Call it what you want, but real recognize real
So the ... true niggers don't even exist!
Ah, grand hustle, it's b.o.b
It's free.. not a lot of niggers bet,
So now we gonna see what's up and what's good
Bobby ray coming to your neighborhood!
Yeah that's what's up, good news.

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