Crew Love - Drake et The Weeknd Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Crew Love de Drake, The Weeknd

Drake, The Weeknd vous proposent les lyrics de Crew Love, le single de son album Take Care.
Les paroles figurent sur le site depuis 2012.

Les paroles de Crew Love ont été corrigées, cependant, il est possible que se dissimulent toujours des fautes. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Crew Love est disponible ci-dessous.

The Weeknd
Listen, listen, woah, listen, ooooh
Take your nose off my keyboard
What you bothering me for?
There's a room full of niggas!
What you following me for?
This ain't no fuckin sing-along
So girl, what you singing for?
It's cause we blowing like a C4
Got my heart blowing like a C4?
20, keep the bar rolling
Fake ID's and the trash we going straight to the top
Rooftop close with a handful of girls and they all so foreign
Rain so poisoned, rainbows blowing
Light skinned chick from Spain from Poland
A whole lot of friends from Spain from Poland
A whole lot of girls from Spain from Poland

Why? Cause they loving the crew, they loving the crew
They loving the crew
Oh, they loving the crew
Oh, they loving the crew
They loving the crew
They loving the crew

Smoking weed on the star projectors
I guess we'll never know what Harvard gets us
But seeing my family have it all
Took the place of that desire for diplomas on the wall
And really, I think I like who I'm becoming
There's times where I might just do it just to do it
Like it's nothing
There's times when I might blow 50k on a vacation
For all my souljas just to see the looks on all they faces
All it took was patience
I got a lot of friends to come up off the strip for me
The same ones that'll come up off the hip for me
The realest niggas say "your lyrics do shit for me"
I told my story, it made history
Tell em I need reservations for 20
I've never really been one for the preservation of money
Nah, much rather spend it all while I'm breathing
That OVO and XO is everything that you believe in
(Merci Andy pour les paroles)

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Le clip vidéo de Crew Love
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Les autres paroles de l'album Take Care

Genre : Rap, Hip Hop international | Major : Universal | Label : Universal Music Division Def Jam Recordings France
Pochette de Take Care
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