Torn Up - Cody Simpson Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Torn Up de Cody Simpson

Torn Up est une chanson de Cody Simpson pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en octobre 2012.

Les paroles de Torn Up ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est probable qu'il y ait toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Cody Simpson avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

You got me feeling out of order
And forgetting you is like breathin water
You know..
It's so good that it hurts

My friends think I'm just in love with the feeling
But they're just fools, they don't get all meaning, no..
Let it hurt

Now I'm falling so bad
Almost feels like I'm flying
And love is nothing like that
So we just keep on trying
Come closer (yea, I said) come take over
Don't forget it, I'm yours

And I'm torn up
I'm torn up, I'm torn up
I'm so torn up
I'm torn up, I'm torn up
This love won't stop
There's no forgetting you
There's no forgetting you
I can't get you out of my heart
I'm all torn up

I try to speak but the words don't come out
It feels like you took my sanity somehow
You know..
It's so good that it hurts
It hurts..

And now I'm falling so bad
Almost feels like I'm flying
And love is nothing like that
So we just keep on trying
Come closer (yea, I said) come take over
Don't forget it, I'm yours

And I'm torn up
I'm torn up, I'm torn up
I'm so torn up
I'm torn up, I'm torn up
This love won't stop
There's no forgetting you
There's no forgetting you
I can't get you out of my heart
I'm all torn up
So torn up yea
This love won't stop
And it hurts
And it hurts eh
There's no forgetting you
There's no forgetting you

And I'm torn up
I'm torn up, I'm torn up
I'm so torn up
I'm torn up, I'm torn up
This love won't stop
There's no forgetting you
There's no forgetting you
I can't get you out of my heart

And I'm torn up
I'm torn up, I'm torn up
I'm so torn up
I'm torn up, I'm torn up
This love won't stop
There's no forgetting you
There's no forgetting you
I can't get you out of my heart
I'm all torn up
I'm all torn up
This love won't stop

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