Love - Cody Simpson et Ziggy Marley Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Love de Cody Simpson, Ziggy Marley

Love est une chanson provenant de l'album Surfers Paradise de Cody Simpson, Ziggy Marley sorti en 2013.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis juillet 2013.

Les paroles de Love ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est fort probable qu'elles contiennent encore des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Cody Simpson, Ziggy Marley avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

The thing about love love love
It'll make you do some crazy things
The thing about love love love
Is you know it when you feel it feel it
The thing about love love love
It'll make you do some crazy things
The thing about love love love
Is you know it when you feel it feel it
And that's the thing about love

Everybody tells us that we are too young for love
But they know what it is like to be young and love
Itches and nothing but a number
And my love last longer than the summer
So let's move them haters out of the way

The thing about love love love
It'll make you do some crazy things
The thing about love love love
Is you know it when you feel it feel it
The thing about love love love
It'll make you do some crazy things
The thing about love love love
Is you know it when you feel it feel it
And that's the thing about love

When I think about you I think of forever
You love keeps me warm like I'm wearing a sweater
It don't take rocket science that my heart belong to you for sure
And if you are where love is then I want to go

The thing about love love love
It'll make you do some crazy things
The thing about love love love
Is you know it when you feel it feel it
The thing about love love love
It'll make you do some crazy things
The thing about love love love
Is you know it when you feel it feel it
And that's the thing about love

Love can be amazing
Just let me start by saying
Just let me start by giving all the love I have
Hey love is a lovely thing
So come on let's embrace it
You know that it can take it to another space, another space

The thing about love love love
It'll make you do some crazy things
The thing about love love love
Is you know it when you feel it feel it
The thing about love love love
It'll make you do some crazy things (crazy crazy)
The thing about love love love
Is you know it when you feel it feel it
And that's the thing about love
That's the thing
And that's the thing about love
That's the thing
And that's the thing about love
That's that's the thing about love

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Le clip vidéo de Love
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Les autres paroles de l'album Surfers Paradise

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Warner | Label : Atlantic Records
Pochette de Surfers Paradise

Autres singles de Ziggy Marley

  1. Family Time
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