Alone Together - Fall Out Boy Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Alone Together de Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy vous propose les lyrics de Alone Together, la chanson de son album Save Rock And Roll.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées le 30/04/2013.

Les paroles de Alone Together ont été corrigées autant que faire se peut, cependant, il est possible qu'il y ait toujours des fautes de frappe. N'hésitez pas à me prévenir par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Alone Together est disponible ci-dessous.

I don't know where you're going
But do you got room for one more troubled soul?
I don't know where I'm going but I don't think I'm coming home
And I said I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead
This is the road to ruin
And we're starting at the end

Say yeah
Let's be alone together
We could stay young forever
Scream it from the top of your lungs
Say yeah
Let's be alone together
We could stay young forever
We'll stay young, young, young, young, young.

You cut me off, I lost my track
It's not my fault, I'm a maniac
It's not funny anymore, no it's not

My heart is like a stallion
They love it more when it's broken
Do you wanna feel beautiful?
Do you wanna?

I'm outside the door, invite me in
So we can go back and play pretend
I'm on deck, yeah, I'm up next
Tonight I'm high as a private jet

'Cause I don't know where you're going
But do you got room for one more troubled soul
I don't know where I'm going but I don't think I'm coming home
And I said I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead
This is the road to ruin
And we're starting at the end

Say yeah
Let's be alone together
We could stay young forever
Scream it from the top of your lungs
Say yeah
Let's be alone together
We could stay young forever
We'll stay young, young, young, young, young.

My heart is like a stallion,
They love it more when it's broken
Do you wanna feel beautiful?
Do you wanna?

I'm outside the door, invite me in
So we can go back and play pretend
I'm on deck, yeah, I'm up next
Tonight I'm high as a private jet, yeah

Let's be alone together
We could stay young forever
Scream it from the top of your lungs
Say yeah
Let's be alone together
We could stay young forever
We'll stay young, young, young, young, young.

I don't know where you're going
But do you got room for one more troubled soul
I don't know where I'm going but I don't think I'm coming home
And I said I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead
This is the road to ruin
And we're starting at the end

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Le clip vidéo de Alone Together
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Les autres paroles de l'album Save Rock And Roll

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Universal | Label : Universal Music Division Mercury Records
Pochette de Save Rock And Roll
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