B.E.A.T. - Selena Gomez Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de B.E.A.T. de Selena Gomez

B.E.A.T. est une chanson provenant de l'album Stars Dance (piste numéro 8) de Selena Gomez sorti en 2013.
Les paroles sont présentes depuis le 24 juillet 2013.

Les paroles de B.E.A.T. ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est probable que se cachent encore des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

It's a big bad world but I ain't ashamed to like the lights in my hand
And the beat in my face
It's a big bad world but I ain't ashamed to like the lights in my hand
And the beat in my face

Be-be-beat in my face, be-be-beat in my face,
The lights in my hand, and the beat in my face

Be-be-beat in my face, be-be-beat in my face,
The lights in my hand, and the beat in my face

Imma make you bend your back
Oh my god this beat is crack
When I do this, you do that

I feel like dancing when I hear that sound
Just wanna do it, eh, just wanna do it, eh
I feel like dancing when I hear that sound
Just wanna do it, eh, just wanna do it, eh

It's a big bad world but I ain't ashamed to like the lights in my hand
And the beat in my face
It's a big bad world but I ain't ashamed to like the lights in my hand
And the beat in my face

Be-be-beat in my face, be-be-beat in my face,
The lights in my hand, and the beat in my face

Be-be-beat in my face, be-be-beat in my face,
The lights in my hand, and the beat in my face

Imma bring the party back
We gon blow the thermostate
When I do this, you do that

I feel like dancing when I hear that sound
Just wanna do it, eh, just wanna do it, eh
I feel like dancing when I hear that sound
Just wanna do it, eh, just wanna do it, eh

It's a big bad world but I ain't ashamed to like the lights in my hand
And the beat in my face
It's a big bad world but I ain't ashamed to like the lights in my hand
And the beat, beat, beat, beat...

Automatic, dance-natic, I can get enough
I can get enough, I can get enough, of that beat in my face

Be-be-beat in my face, be-be-beat in my face,
The lights in my hand, and the beat in my face
Be-be-beat in my face, be-be-beat in my face,
The lights in my hand, and the beat in my face
(Merci ImAmazayn pour les paroles)

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de B.E.A.T.

Les autres paroles de l'album Stars Dance

Genre : Variétés internationales | Major : Universal | Label : Hollywood Records
Pochette de Stars Dance
Liens pour les lyrics de B.E.A.T.
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