In the Morning - Jack Johnson Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de In the Morning de Jack Johnson

In the Morning est une chanson de Jack Johnson pour laquelle les lyrics ont été ajoutés en 2011.

Les paroles de In the Morning ont été corrigées, cependant, il est probable que se dissimulent encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Jack Johnson avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

So much love
The kids are laughing in their sleep
Swimming through their dreams into the morning
So peaceful all the stories that we're told
Lead them through the night back from the shadows
So much joy every little girl and boy
Even better when they wake up tomorrow

So much love
In their little mistletee (?)
Gonna miss you till we meet again in the morning
So much peace in their pitter-patter feet
Any open eyes can see that minds are reaching
So much joy
I'm afraid to be swept away
Upstream there's a spring that brings in the new day

These are the gifts we keep
And this is the morning that we breathe
And then we see
These moments are the only gifts we need

And your crazy curly morning hair
Your maka piapia stare
Smiling down from the top of the stairs
You're so sweet
And your robot pictures spread around
I swear your feet don't touch the ground
Once it starts it don't slow down
But I don't want it to

And these are the gifts we keep
And this is the morning that we breathe
And then we see
These moments are the only gifts we need

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