Speak to Me - Charlie Winston Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Speak to Me de Charlie Winston

Speak to Me est une chanson de l'album Running Still de Charlie Winston sorti en 2011.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées le 01 août 2012.

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Vous pouvez écouter la chanson de Charlie Winston avec la vidéo ci-dessous.

If there's a lesson then I'm willing to learn it
If there's a blessing then I'm willing to earn it
But I'm lost on a day like this and I need a little helping hand.
My kamikazi is coming to break up
Every plan I been trying to make up
I had a vision but I didn't think to listen to the truths up against me now

So speak to me I'm in a city looking bleak to me
I need to breathe and find out what it means to be.
Speak to me I got a feeling there's a freak in me
That's seeking me and everything is eating me.
Speak to me I couldn't give a shit if what you leak
Is super weak, I gotta get your energy.
Speak to me, I could be capable of secrecy
But lock and key is never gonna free me.
Woah, speak to me.

I sit around drinking coffee all day
Nothing to do and little to say
I get stuck into the thought of letting love in,
Thinking I can understand myself
But then the whirlpool pulls me under
And it tears my mind asunder
I get to wishing that I could be a vanishing act
And slip away by stealth

So speak to me I'm in a city looking bleak to me
I need to breathe and find out what it means to be.
Speak to me I got a feeling there's a freak in me
That's seeking me and everything is eating me.
Speak to me I couldn't give a shit if what you leak
Is super weak, I gotta get your energy.
Speak to me, I could be capable of secrecy
But lock and key is never gonna free me.
Woah, speak to me.
Speak to me
Speak to me

Speak to me I'm in a city looking bleak to me
I need to breathe and find out what it means to be.
Speak to me I got a feeling there's a freak in me
That's seeking me and everything is eating me.
Speak to me I couldn't give a shit if what you leak
Is super weak, I gotta get your energy.
Speak to me, I could be capable of secrecy
But lock and key is never gonna free me.

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Le clip vidéo de Speak to Me
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Les autres paroles de l'album Running Still

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : I.D.O.L. | Label : Atmosphériques
Pochette de Running Still
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