Hello Alone - Charlie Winston Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Hello Alone de Charlie Winston

Charlie Winston vous propose Hello Alone, la chanson issue de son album Running Still.
Les paroles ont été ajoutées en 2012.

Les paroles de Hello Alone ont été relues et mises en page, cependant, il est possible qu'elles contiennent encore des incompréhensions. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail.

Le clip de Hello Alone est disponible ci-dessous.

Hello, Alone, it's you and me again,
How can we pretend we've never met?
Hello, Alone you might as well come in,
We've been making bets for so long now.

I never told you that I want you,
I thought I had you out of my head,
But ever time she leaves me, refusing to believe me,
You're always there.

And even though I don't invite you,
And your presence is a pain,
You always let me be just who I am,
Until I'm glad to bring back that refrain again,

Hello, Alone, it's you and me again,
How can we pretend we've never met?
Hello, Alone you might as well come in,
We've been shaking hands for too long now

I even tried to re-convince you,
But it was just no use at all,
Cause every time I climbed inside your mind,
I saw the mirror on the wall.

But it's no use to pose the question,
When the answers never sheen,
And then I have to face up to the facts
With saxophones and old trombones carrying me home to say

Hello, Alone, it's you and me again,
How can we pretend we've never met?
Hello alone you might as well come in,
We've been making bets for too long...

Perhaps I'll take a holiday,
And get as far away as I can,
But then I'd just be far away,
And just as a much a lonesome man,
With his hat in his hands chanting.

Hello, Alone, it's you and me again,
How can we pretend we've never met?
Hello, Alone you might as well come in,
We've been making bets for too long now.

Note : 1 étoile2 étoiles3 étoiles4 étoiles5 étoiles
Le clip vidéo de Hello Alone
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Les autres paroles de l'album Running Still

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : I.D.O.L. | Label : Atmosphériques
Pochette de Running Still
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