Not Just You - Cody Simpson Paroles , lyrics

Paroles de Not Just You de Cody Simpson

Not Just You est une chanson issue de l'album Coast To Coast de Cody Simpson sorti en 2011.
Les paroles figurent sur le site depuis 2011.

Les paroles de Not Just You ont fait l'objet d'une relecture, cependant, il est fort possible que se cachent encore des fautes. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos corrections par mail.

Le clip vidéo de Not Just You est disponible ci-dessous.

I know your heart's seen better times
I know our songs had better rhymes
Before today

I guess I made the wrong mistakes
I understand if you need your space
Please take your time

Before you go away
So far away
You need to realize

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on your sleeve
Notice that mine aren't exactly dry
Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

I'm sorry
I wasn't there to catch the fall
I didn't hear you when you called
All of those nights
Please don't forget the good days with me
I can make back the heart aching grief
When it gets dark and it's hard to see
I'll turn on the lights

Before you go away
So far away
I really need you to know

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on your sleeve
Notice that mine aren't exactly dry
Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

I'm not giving up
You don't have to leave
I am willing to beg till I break my knees
I belive in us
Don't give up on me
Girl, I know that you're hurting
And I'm sorry for the pain
I promise that I'll change
Forgive me
Forgive me

Baby, its not just you
You know it hurts me too
Watching you leave
With tears on you're sleeve
Notice that mine aren't exactly dry
(Not exactly dry baby)

Baby, it's not just you
You know it hurts me too
We had it all
How could we fall
Baby, I thought we would never die
Baby, it's not just you
That's hurting
It's me too

Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Not just you
Baby, it's not just you
Baby, it's not just you

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Le clip vidéo de Not Just You
Télécharger le MP3, acheter le CD Audio ou la sonnerie de Not Just You

Les autres paroles de l'album Coast To Coast

Genre : Pop, Rock | Major : Warner | Label : Atlantic Records
Pochette de Coast To Coast
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